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Design of LCD Screen Assembly Casing

When designing the LCD liquid crystal display enclosure, we should follow some basic principles, with the most important parameters being the size of the LCD screen and the display area. Below, we will introduce the enclosure design for assembling LCD liquid crystal screens from three aspects: important parameters of the LCD screen, enclosure size design, and enclosure assembly process.

Important parameters of the LCD liquid crystal screen

  • Outer dimensions (TFT OD): The external dimensions of the LCD display;

  • Visible area (TFT OPEN): The visible area of the LCD display, the area that can be seen;

  • Effective area (TFT AA): The active area of the LCD display, where the pixels are located.

LCD liquid crystal screen enclosure size design

If the window of the LCD liquid crystal display enclosure is larger than the visible area (TFT OPEN), the metal frame of the display screen will be exposed, which will be very unsightly. On the other hand, if the window is smaller than the effective area (TFT AA), we will cover up the image displayed on the screen.

Therefore, we should start designing the LCD liquid crystal screen enclosure from the most important parameter sizes, which are OD, OPEN, and AA.

It is worth noting that the opening in the enclosure for the display screen should be larger than the external dimensions (OD) of the LCD liquid crystal display included in the drawings, as the display screen cannot be tightly placed on the enclosure, which would cause damage to the FFC tape or display screen. An offset of approximately 2mm may be suitable.

When designing the enclosure for a touchscreen module, you should pay attention to the dimensions (length, width, and radius of the corners) of the upper glass, the touch panel, the thickness of the glass, and the mounting tape. Additionally, a very important factor is positioning the display screen relative to the touch panel.

Assembly process of the LCD liquid crystal display enclosure

The correct assembly process of the LCD display module in the enclosure is crucial. Common damages that occur during incorrect assembly processes include damage to the FFC, separation of the TP and TFT, damage to the TFT glass, and bending of the LCD frame.

In the first stage of installing the display module in the enclosure, you should pay attention to protecting the edges of the FFC to ensure it is not damaged.

We recommend using support brackets assembled on the back of the display screen, as additional support will make the entire structure more rigid and minimize the impact of external factors such as vibration and temperature changes.

Be particularly careful when installing the LCD liquid crystal display into the enclosure, and do not apply excessive pressure to the module, as excessive pressure will not help to achieve better adhesion.

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